More and more states are implementing programs that encourage eligible young children to take Pre-kindergarten. A movement like this is proof of the value of this education program recommended for four-year-olds. But still, why should kids go to Pre-K?
Because Pre-K helps instill positive discipline and good behavior in young children.
According to several studies, high-quality Pre-K helps lessen problems with the behavior of young children. These also make them more participative in kindergarten and senior levels. It is no surprise because Pre-K develops good manners and boosts the self-esteem of young children.
Because it serves as a solid foundation for their early academic success. Pre-K is valuable as it sets the stage for primary education. The lessons and activities in this program make children familiar with what they can expect from kindergarten. Furthermore, it provides help, so they smoothly shift from play-based to organized learning.
Several studies also suggest that kids who attended quality pre-k gained more advantages than those who did not. They performed better in reading and mathematics. Meanwhile, kids who also communicate with another language have enhanced English competency, according to the report “The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects.”
Because Pre-K develops the necessary skills for your learners. Kindergarten and higher levels have curriculums that explore the depth of various subjects. These experiences can be stimulating for them. But it can be the other way around if they’re not equipped with the learning skills to use in challenging matters.
Educators can nurture abilities like problem-solving and creative thinking. However, they also need multi-layer work and ample time to establish it effectively. And these are their objectives included in the Pre-K program. In Rainbow Preschool and Child Care Center, we also help pupils achieve independent and hands-on learning.

Because the Pre-K program welcomes and convinces kids that learning is fun. Remember that some kids are only starting to discover or explore. If they do not have nursery or preschool experience, Pre-K can help them experience fun learning.
In the Pre-K program of Rainbow Preschool, students do activities like investigation and exploration. Additionally, young kids have chances to enjoy the company of their fellow young learners. They can socialize through small or big group projects, events, gameplays, and more.
Because young kids have abilities and needs in learning before kindergarten. A child who always has a spark of curiosity, loves music and arts, or effortlessly imitates words? Most likely, several children have all these traits even before they are eligible for kindergarten. They have already manifested qualities or gifts in learning, yet they may not get the support they need. Fostering their interests is ideal, so their interest in education progresses for the better.
On the other hand, some kids also tend to become timid because they have less exposure to a nurturing environment. Possibly, they need encouragement and activities to open up.
Childcare and education providers in a Pre-K program can guide young kids to discover their potential, as well as their needs. It is essential to cover these promptly as they may lead to learning gaps. Moreover, when young kids have no guidance or prior preparation for kindergarten, they may struggle in their class. They have to cope with new lessons while working on their learning problems.
Explore our preschool programs at Rainbow Preschool.
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