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Age doesn’t matter, especially in learning. But if it’s about schooling and involves a young child, it is logical if parents like to determine at what age they will register their kids in preschool. In that manner, the young ones are ready for the new experience. But what age does preschool is for? 

The age concerning education practices

The standard order of the stages in early childhood education is nursery, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. And among these, kindergarten is compulsory and has a clear age requirement. Across the US, kindergarten is open to eligible five-year-old kids. The mandated age differs from state to state, ranging from five to seven years old, except in Washington. 

Another matter is the cut-off enrollment period. Typically, the enrollment in numerous states is between July and September. In that sense, some kids lack months before they become eligible to enroll in kindergarten. The typical choice is to delay one year and register kids to other programs like pre-k and preschool, whichever is appropriate for their age.

In Virginia, for example, children should be five to six years old in kindergarten. In that case, the four to five-year-old kids should be in pre-k, while the three to four-year-olds should be in preschool.

The age concerning schools’ requirements

As a state’s standards do not entirely mandate preschool programs, the age requirements are up to schools and local education authorities. Typically, they do not settle on age alone but according to their regulations. An excellent example of such is the admission of potty-trained children. Not all schools are keen to offer help with this for some reason. Probably, they believe a child will choose to endure the discomfort out of shyness than ask a teacher. 

Some schools also evaluate if a child is comfortable being away or independent from their parents. It is ideal if one can enjoy classroom activities and lessons. 

The age concerning a child’s readiness to attend school

 The education practices in one’s state and school’s requirements could be good guides. Parents will know the expectations upon enrolling their preschoolers. They also get to know which preschool programs offer their child great benefits. Despite these, they must look thoroughly at their children’s readiness to attend school. It is a fundamental factor in their kids’ age to enter preschool.

Kids differ in all aspects, including reacting and being ready for a situation. Naturally, many young ones feel frightened when they separate from their parents for the first time. However, as the school days pass, they are also expected to warm up and be independent. It is also ideal they will socialize and communicate with their schoolmates. Therefore, it is good to observe what they like and need before enrollment closely. Suppose the parents find out that their kids are not quite ready, better to delay the admission to a year. The delay will give kids an advantage and opportunity to prepare, especially in social interaction.

Another way to know more about how ready and how a school can help your child is to contact an institution near you. You can reach out to Rainbow Preschool and Child Center through email or phone if you are around the Virginia Beach area.