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It is exciting to enroll a toddler in a preschool where everyone explores the world of fun learning. However, some parents also worry if their kids are ready to be away from home and interact with others. Hence, this leads to concern on how old a child should be to enter preschool.

Preschool age according to rules 

Each state has its own rule on what age a child should be when going to preschool, to which child care institutions need to comply. Generally, it is around two to four years old or before they turn five or enter kindergarten. 

Law. In Virginia, 5-year-old children must do schooling on or before September 30. Except if there is a valid reason to delay as a child suffers from a severe disease. Therefore, if five years old is the acceptable kindergarten age, the ideal for pre-k is around four to five years old. Then, the younger ones are suitable for preschool.  

School year. A reason to delay preschooling is the age of the child within the school year. Some children are born after the class opening, which makes them so young to be preschoolers. Hence, it is good to wait for the following school year.

Parents and teachers may have other reasons for figuring out when a young child is good-to-go for preschooling. 

Considerations in a preschool age

Each child has learning abilities and needs even at their young age. Some two-year-old children may show that they are all set for their early childhood education. Meanwhile, others of the same age or older may need to prepare for a new environment. Here are few things to consider: 

The child is fine to stay at school without the parents. Every school time is more enjoyable for pupils if they set to play, draw, or dance. Fun learning like these activities may not be ineffective for young children who are uneasy whenever they far from their parents.

The child is ready for interaction with others. In a preschool, young children get to know their first-ever school community. It is a stimulating experience for them to socialize with their classmates, schoolmates, and educators. 

Some kids, though, are not ready for social interaction with various and unfamiliar people. Understandably, they need time for socialization. Perhaps, better to make them comfortable first engaging with their young neighbors or relatives.

Prepare for attending classes. It is expected from new students not to know the ABCs and 123s. Their teachers anticipate they need guidance in art projects or other classroom activities. However, it is helpful if children are agreeable with following the teaching and instructions from their educators. It is also ideal when a toddler is open to express his or her needs. For example, if one likes going to the comfort room. 

With these concerns, future and current preschool parents need to prepare their children to be preschoolers. It is beneficial to their adaptability in the learning transition.   

Moreover, it is good if parents first notice the possible learning concerns of their children. For example, a child may be nearsighted or has a speech defect. 

Remember also there are activities that children work on their own or with groups. Moreover, a pupil needs to listen to instructions for safety and hygiene. He or she needs to stay in line or eat snacks on time.