Are you searching for the right school for your Pre-K graduate pupil? Do you prefer it is near where you reside? Rainbow Preschool Child Care Centers is one of the local kindergarten schools near Virginia Beach. It has a quality program and system you can count on for the learning needs of your child.
Why go to a local kindergarten school near Virginia Beach?
Opting for one of the local kindergarten schools near Virginia Beach is practical, not to mention advantageous. Here some of the good points to consider:
Travel time. If the school is near your place, you can win back more time for various things. It includes preparing for school in the morning and get back home early to enjoy your activities together. Include the idea that your kid may have more time for sleeping, playing, and sharing their lessons with you.
Balance. Working parents may find a school so friendly if it’s close to their house or work in Virginia Beach. Maybe a parent can accompany the child in the morning before going to the office. Then, another family member fetches in the afternoon after preparing lunch.
Involvement. Partnering with a local kindergarten school may mean knowing it thoroughly. Parents enjoy more access to work well with the school or teachers for the development of their children. Additionally, it invites them to be more engaged with their kids’ school activities.
Rainbow Preschool & Child Care Center suits not only the qualities above. More importantly, it is a reputable school with over three decades of expertise in providing well-structured programs.
Qualities of our Kindergarten program
Rainbow Preschool & Child Care Center adheres to the standards of learning (SOL) of Virginia. We provide meals that are certified nutritiously by USDA. And we have staff members with Medicine Administration Training.
Our Kindergarten program offers enriching lessons and activities. We value the benefit of art and technology in education. For this reason, we always include music in our class. In our computer lab, we guide students to learn the proper use of technology. Equally, we make sure they have ways to express themselves or communicate. Therefore, we add lessons like Spanish and sign language.
Our kindergarten class is also small-sized. We intend to keep it that way for several objectives:
Recognize the learning needs of a child. Every class consists of pupils with diverse personalities. It also means they have different learning needs and abilities. Determining distinct qualities of a child can be evaluated in a small size classroom. It is because this is where there are more one-on-one sessions between a teacher and a pupil.
Teaching and learning become easy. The ideal proportion of teacher and student invites more interaction with each other. It equally makes the lessons effortless to grasp for students since their attention is undivided into different things. The small class looks like an intimate family where each knows each other well and develops bonds to work together.
Let kids shine. When there are few students in a room, it is easier to give each student time to shine. Each student has a chance to show talent, express themselves or be the leader. Compared to large size classrooms, pupils have to wait for their time to participate in their activities.
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